Ben Lester - Experienced Developer

Applied Technologist and Computer Scientist Successful in Collaborative Team Environments as Key Team Player and Technical Lead

Ben Lester


To Inspire Plan Create Demonstrate Test Deploy Support Monitor Measure Maintain and Market Technology With Excellence

Amazon Web Services

This site was Designed and Coded utilizing Python, AWS Lambdas, Cloudfront, Route53, and S3. Trained in AWS. Certification coming soon.

Web Development

Designed Coded and enhanced interactive features of 30 million plus visitor per month website as a Full Stack Developer working with UX/UI, Database and Development teams in Agile environment.

Mobile Solutions

Web and Mobile Application Programming for Engineering Solutions Group in projects for Defense Liquid Waste Processing Facility.

Open Source Projects

Chekout an overview of all my projects on Github


A Graph Database Management System that is embedable on small devices.


A Front end for a RESTful app called Job $earcher - built with Angular and Material Design.


A RESTful back-end for Job $earcher. Serve is built with PHP and Maria DB.


Arduino Teensy LC Micro-controller code for a 25 pedal MIDI/USB organ pedal board.


A Python web based app that demonstrates Create, Update, and Delete (CRUD) functions.

Key Technologies

I have employed these technologies for efforts ranging from responsive HTML/CSS and Angular interactive applications on the front end to Java Server Cache techniques yielding low response times for microservices on the backend.


Java SE 8, Lambdas, Streaming, Ehcache, Hibernate, Groovy, Gradle, Maven, Spring,
Android Development Toolkit,
Java Native Interface

Browser Technologies

HTML5, CSS3, LESS, Angular 1 - 5, Vue, ECMAScript, TypeScript, XHR, Chrome Developer Tools, Karma, Jasmine

Database Technologies

Oracle, Endeca, Couchbase, MySQL, SQL Server, Embedded Cypher - Open Source Graph Database founding developer. See embeddedCypher.

Amazon Web Services

Created this site utilizing Python, AWS Lambdas, Cloudfront, Route53, and S3

Back-end Technologies

Node.js, Handlebars, Docker, Jenkins, Apigee, Postman, Git, Artifactory, Splunk, Apache, Nginx

Networking Technologies

F5 BIG-IP, Micro-services, Apigee, Postman, Splunk, trained in AWS VPC certification pending

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